Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Blahgonut's Obsession With Kelley Lynch Continues ...

and may land him in prison because he appears to be witness tampering, stalking, obstructing justice, all over Cohen's tax fraud matter that I was told is criminal, all over the Phil Spector mudrer trial "set up," sucking up to Jackson and Dixon, Kory, et al. lying to the FBI (if he is indeed "Gianelli"), slandering, speaking on behalf of the IRS, DOJ, Treasury, and FBI, and a bald-faced liar who is idiot enough to phone Bruce Cutler to discuss my interest in marrying and/or having sex with Mr. Cutler - something all good perverted lawyers like to talk about. So - give 'em what they want.

Kelley Lynch
PUKE - Dedicated to Leonard Norman Cohen, Steve Cooley, Pat Dixon, and Blah-Go-Nut
Kelley Lynch
Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 10:11 AM
To: doronweinberg , Dennis , ASKDOJ , "*irs. commissioner" <*IRS.Commissioner@irs.gov>, OIGCOMPL OIGCOMPL , PIU , Teresa Low , MEDIA RELATIONS PIO , "chaleffg@lapd.lacity.org" , "rocky. delgadillo" , "governor@governor.ca.gov" , Governor.ritter@state.co.us, "attorney. general" , stan.garnett@gmail.com, "gordonj@bouldercolorado.gov" , becknerm , "Hank, Larry" , SecondDistrict , "U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission" , billpavelic@aol.com, laurie.levenson@lls.edu, "m.j. smith" , "rbyucaipa@yahoo.com" , Robert MacMillan , "Lee K. 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amayer@thejournal.canwest.com, opr@irs.gov, goldberg@forward.com, Nat McBride Lockwood , Paul Huebl , Duane , achamberlain@tc.canwest.com.ca
Cc: legal-support@google.com, atlarge@foxnews.com, david.li@nypost.com, Kelley Lynch , Kelly.Sopko@tigta.treas.gov, "public.affairs@cityofhouston.net" , STEPHEN GIANELLI , Blogonaut Law-Blog , Joff Belark , lisaterry711@live.com

Oh Lisa,

The wacked out nut jobs on Blah-Go-Nut's site think I don't want to go out in public. Thanks for confirming for Agent Wynar that I'm credible and you'd stake your life on me. I don't think Blah-Go-Nut likes it that you think Clarkson looks like an over-the-hill madam who couldn't get a job at a strip club in Houston. That might really be saying something.

Have a great day. Thanks for everything.

Let me know who "PUKE" reminds you of. Ok?


P.S. Do take me over to the black magic store in Houston. I want to find some stuff there now that I'm being accused of black magic because of my religious beliefs and Tibetan friends. I like your Father's remark - "Come on over to the dark side." Let him know I'm now a "witch." Thank goodness your stepmother saw right through this situation. I wonder what sites made her sad about my son Rutger?

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 10:06 AM, Kelley Lynch <odzerchenma3@gmail.com> wrote:

P.P.S. Lisa, Blah-Go-Nut/Gianelli, Belark are upset that you and my Mother think Bruce Cutler should marry me. Thanks for leaving Agent Wynar messages with me. Hopefully, he'll figure out what we have. I think it's funny that you want me to schedule "conjugal" visits with my ex-jilted lover (wanna-be since we weren't), Leonard Norman Cohen, at the Federal Detention Center. Does that mean you think he should be in the Federal Detention Center, Lisa? Anyway, I know you (and everyone who knows me) is clear that I DON"T do drugs, am not an alcoholic or whore, but Blah-Go-Nut, Gianelli, and Belark have taken up Cohen's story. You don't think they're dangerous (stalking me, etc.) and deranged, do you Lisa? I do. They were extremly dangerous to my son Rutger. Thanks for confirming for so many people that you view Boulder PD as "nuts." Liz Craig, my friend who trains prison guards and probation officers, etc. warned me when I arrived that they were out of control. I like Bill Brown's response to my being dragged to Killer King (so glad he realized it was the District Asshole of Lost Angeles - like everyone else we talk to .. isn't that hilariously funny, Lisa) and my "smoking warrant." Do not turn SMPD into Internal Affairs. You'll have the entire force on your ass. Houston PD, as we know, has not bothered us and looks quite busy with "crime." I saw a few of the men at the Star of Hope and offered to be their back-up when they searched the room of the guy that was harassing us at the Shell Station. Too bad he sold pot to a minor child whose Mother is extremely upset and then his room was "clean." Here's Eminem's video for "PUKE." Let me know who it reminds you of.


Oh Lisa - I've never "socialized" with a Deputy DA by the name of Pat Dixon. Know that in your heart. I wonder if his wife wants to PUKE when she thinks of him. Blah-Go-Nut's sucking up to him. My other friend (who I was talking to yesterday and who has met Cohen with me and can't believe he stole my share of publishing from me) mentioned how much judges love fawning "prosecutors" and lawyers - made me think of Alan Jackson - that's the "prosecutor" on Phillip's trial. I mentioned him to you. Remember? He reminds me of the "men" on General Hospital. Bruce Cutler called him a little "girl" and I think "Alan" reported him to the "judge."

I agree with you Lisa - Manson shouldn't write Cohen. He might enjoy it too much.


On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 9:57 AM, Kelley Lynch <odzerchenma3@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Lisa,

Gianelli-Blogonaut-Belark found us in Katy, Texas. Beark's the maniac that emailed me about fleeing some jurisdiction. I'm fleeing nothing so it's a little game "it's" playing.

Lisa, I'll show you a photograph of "Pat Dixon" - let me know if he make you want to PUKE? Also, let's ask all of our girlfriends if they want to PUKE when they see him. He personaly makes me want to PUKE. Do you know that Eminem song? Apparently, due to the fact that I think of the Lost Angeles District Asshole, Pat Dixon (who was involved in the Phil Spector set up), Cohen, and others, when I hear "PUKE" I'm dangerous. Let me know what you think. Ok?

Don't tell anyone the name of the attorney we've been keeping closely apprised. I don't want them calling him/her (like Gianelli did with Bruce Cutler) asking about my sex life and discussing possible marriage scenarios with Bruce Cutler. They can, however, call Former Attorney General John Ashcroft, Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, and Former Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr to inform them that when I hear Eminem's song "PUKE" I think about Cohen, the District Asshole Steve Cooley, and - sometimes - Pat Dixon.

Also, I'm dangerous because when I look at this photograph of Phillip's "judge" I think he's gazing into Pat Dixon's eyes.

Thanks Lisa.


P.S. It's so funny that your mother (who has told you your entire life that she is Oliver Wendell Holmes' grand-niece which bugs Belark) sent the photographs of you in the cemetary to your father as evidence against him. Amazing that his very own wife, a photographer and artist, took them herself. Well, Lisa, we're dealing with idiots and as you've coined "it" - BLAH-GO-NUT.

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 9:47 AM, Kelley Lynch <odzerchenma3@gmail.com> wrote:
P.S. Here's Lisa Terry. She sees right through you, Cohen, Lindsey, and knows for a fact that Phil Spector is innocent and was set up.

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 9:41 AM, Kelley Lynch <odzerchenma3@gmail.com> wrote:
Gianelli, Blogonaut, Belark,

The subject matter is a direct quote of Lisa Terry's about your fixation on me. Robert Kory was also intrigued with me. I, unfortunately, thought he was a joke and a loser. Do you think Cohen will attempt to prove that Eminem is "indirectly" communicating with me about him in his song "PUKE." I explained to another friend of mine yesterday (who has met Cohen with me and thinks this story does not add up) that, according to Cohen and Kory's definiation, merely speaking to her about him could be viewed as a violation of the fraudulent restraining order. The fraudulent restraining orders made no sense to her but she made a good point - why is the media portraying tihs nut (my view) as a legend and a sage when I ended up in a homeless shelter.

Was I in Katy, Texas? I think Bill Brown can testify to that fact. Did you trace my IP address. Check this out - criminal stalking is a felony in the first offense in Texas. I am going into the District Attorney's office today and then the police department. I am also doing exactly what the Social Security Administration advised me to do: file a complaint, with the police department, against Cohen and anyone that illegally used my social security number on "tax documents" (ie., the illegal K1s that were issued in 2004 and 2005 and the State of Kentucky - no mistake) and assigning me a fraudulent social security number that according to Social Security is similar to my name but not me. That's the social security number that LAPD "assigned" me when they took me to Killer King, questioned me about Phil Spector, aided and abetted the kidnapping of my son, and probably had a hand in the entirely falsified Killer King report.

For the record, when I hear Eminem's "PUKE" I think of Steve Cooley, Leonard Norman Cohen, and Pat Dixon. I tend to doubt that makes me "dangerous" but your little game is fascinating - particularly with so many federal agents involved and all the lies to the FBI and probably lying when "you" stated that the IRS, Treasury, DOJ, and FBI said I was not credible. Call them up and ask them if they have any thoughts on whether or not I should marry and/or have sex with Bruce Cutler. I want to speak to Mr. Cutler about the fact that someone criminally impersonated him in an email to Nat McBride (an acquaintance of Nicole Spector's who received a "death threat" from someone referred to on your site ... Brian Peterson).

I'm starting a new Blog - Blahgonut - and inviting Doron Weinberg, Dennis Riordan, the IRS Commissioner's Staff, the Department of Justice, and "even" Agent Sopko (who did not advise me to stop emailing her). By the way, no one thinks it was all that "innocent" of Agent Sopko to fly into California from Washington, meet with me, and refer me to Agent Luis Tejeda/Head of Fraud - IRS Los Angeles. They think the IRS should prosecute Cohen - who thinks he's my "jilted ex-lover" because he's delusional. He also probably wants to know if I had sex with Oliver Stone. Don't worry - I intend to call Mr. Stone to stand. I look forward to his answers.

You're little game with respect to deadly serious allegations of obstruction of justice, witness tampering, etc. is truly psychotic. After all, the FBI in Denver told me to let the IRS take the lead and they would be brought in if there was witness or evidence tampering - which, they advised me, was criminal. Of course, we know that relates - in part - to Cohen, Lindsey, Kory, Superfon, and others - and it seems to include you. Mark Smith, Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche's student, nailed the move that unfolded on your site: Cohen/Kory will contact you, offer you millions (possibly in cash), and you just say - to the IRS (he is a Securities lawyer and figured I might be a witness for the IRS, SEC, etc.) - that you flipped out. I didn't flip out.

Continue on with your little obsession. Who else would insert themselves into Cohen's tax fraud matter (criminal - as I was told), lie to the FBI, etc. I'll send you Lisa's photographs in a minute. The ones in the cemetary were taken by her Stepmother. The edgy video is Bill Brown's son's video - he's "techno." She doesn't need protection but she and I are now leaving messages for the attorney I am keeping closely apprised of - for now - your activities.

Kelley Lynch

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 8:24 PM, Kelley Lynch <odzerchenma3@gmail.com> wrote:
To the IRS Commissioner's Staff and the Department of Justice,

Why has Blogonaut targeted me. What is its motive for slandering me, maligning me, lying to the FBI about me - everyone thinks it is absurd that Gianelli went to the FBI in Oakland to advise them that Agent Kelly/Sopko/Treasury is copied in here. And now, they have traced me to Katy, Texas. Are you telling me I am not allowed to say that I want to PUKE when I think of Cohen, the District Attorney, Pat Dixon, etc. who have clearly destroyed my life. Every single intelligent person I know and talk to is convinced that Phil Spector was set up - by the DA, that Leonard Norman Cohen perjured himself in Phil Spector's murder trial, that the DA and Cohen made a deal to drag me to King Drew and falsify the file so that I would not testify against Cohen with the IRS.

I have no idea where Blogonaut is but it is posting that I was in Katy, Texas. I'm dangerous, right? That's right - because I am a highly credible witness and everyone is convinced that Cohen has committed criminal tax fraud, destroyed my life to protect himself, lied in Phil Spector's grand jury, and defrauded me of millions. And then there's his lawyer's Declaration in Ray's custody matter that is witness tampering.
I think the IRS and DOJ should protect me now that I am being physically stalked and monitored and my whereabouts are being published on the internet. Actually my friend, today, thought the situation she was hearing about (including Blogonaut's site, Bill Pavelic's allegations, the fact that Cohen is being celebrated by the press while I ended up homeless, etc.) is highly DISTURBING. Clearly I'm dangeruos to these people - they cannot silence me. But I think the IRS and DOJ can do something, now, to protect me. Dale Burgess, my acocuntant, who thought Criminal Intelligence of the IRS should be involved here did think I should be placed in the witness protection program and commented that my safety was of the utmost importance. Apparently not to the IRS and DOJ.

Kelley Lynch

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 8:15 PM, Kelley Lynch <odzerchenma3@gmail.com> wrote:
It's not working. People think you are obstructing justice, witness tampering, stalking me, etc. Why did you track me to Katy, Texas. What is your involvement in the Phil Spector set up and Cohen's tax fraud that I was told is hugely criminal. Here's what people understand - that you are attempting to silence me. Blogonaut. I think Pat Dixon's an asshole. Ok. That's my personal opinion. I quoted Eminem's song about Mariah Carey - she makes him want to puke. Dixon and his gang of criminal thugs make me want to puke. You don't know the lyrics to Eminem's song "Puke?" Is it dangerous now for me to quote Eminem? Maybe it's dangeous for Dixon or Mariah Carey. It's just that whenever I hear Eminem's song "PUKE" - I think about Cohen, the District Asshole of Lost Angeles, Pat Dixon, and others. Are you telling me how to respond to an Eminem song or do you think Pat Dixon should sue Eminem because I think of him and want to "PUKE" when I hear Eminem's song. Maybe Eminem's communicating on my behalf to Cohen and that's a violation of his fraudulent restraining order - if we follow his logic and the logic of his rotten attorneys and the people obstructing justice for him. Here's Eminem's version of PUKE. Study it. I quoted him. For the record, when I think of Pat Dixon, and listen to Eminem's lyric, I want to PUKE. Is that really a disturbed crime or are you - as usual - proving that you are an imbecile who the DOJ, FBI, IRS, Treasury, etc., should investigate, charge, and prosecute? Quote me to Dixon - when I listen to Eminem's song PUKE, I think of him and Cohen, and want to PUKE. What's so disturbed about that? Some people, just seeing their pictures, want to puke also. That's called a matter of personal taste. Is some future judge going to be upset that I want to PUKE when I listen to Eminem's lyrics and think of Cohen and/or Pat Dixon. Maybe the Houston Police Department would like to walk right smack into the middle of this psychotic insanity because I want to PUKE when I think of Pat Dixon setting up an innocent man because LA DA had to nail a celebrity. See notes in your deranged postings. My friend ended up speechless today when she heard I have been called a whore, drunk, drug addict, etc. on the internet. It made her "sick" but I don't know if she wanted to PUKE.

I was waiting for you to post this. Now what - are you trying to get John Ashcroft, Kenneth Starr, and Alberto Gonzalez mad at me? Call them up for a quote. Tell them I said Pat Dixon, Lost Angeles Judge, makes me want to PUKE. If you were paying attention - this is scarey. People think the DA, Cohen, and you should be in prison, and others. That's how scarey it is.

Kelley Lynch

cc: Phil Spector


Blogonaut said...
To provide but a taste of the onslaught of emails we have received from the subject of our post in the last 24 hours, here is just the first paragraph of the last such email:""Belark" is probably trying to undermine lisa's credibility because she thinks Clarkson looks like an old Madam that can no longer work at a strip bar. "Powerful Pat" and his crew of "goons" think everyone's impressed with them. This is so crazy. Everyone thinks they are criminals who set up Phil Spector. If Phillip weren't in prison right now it would be funny. It's the Emporer's New Clothes syndrome. How "powerful" is Pat? Let's see - if I find out that Bruce Cutler actually talked to "Powerful Pat" about me and "harassment" :) then I have to subpoena "powerful Pat" to the stand. He's probably working on his answers in the mirror right now. Bill Pavelic wrote me that Pat's powerful at the District Attorney's office. It's a bunch of goons on the municipal levels. My Mother didn't really think the "feds" would be all that impressed but I did tell Agent Wynar/FBI Oakland what my colleague thought about Marco The Nose's (just copying the DOJ) comment to the Denver FBI stating "Merry Christmas" (just thinking about Ken Starr - I wonder why Blogonut's article didn't mention that I want to wait for Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, Former Attorney General John Ashcroft, and Former Special Prosecutor Ken Starr who needs to rethink his position on "Miranda" which I thought was a traffic stop issue) - that it sounded like something the Sopranos would say after they riddled a car with bullets. In other words - "organized crime.""
August 23, 2009 10:26 AM
Anonymous said...
<--here is just the first paragraph of the last such email-->This seems to be, if not quite the 'word salad' of full-blown daffyness, at best a 'thought salad' of magically connected persons and ideas. Looks like we have a short-order chef here!
August 23, 2009 5:57 PM
Anonymous said...
The only “connection” between the persons and “ideas” referenced in the quoted email is entirely in the mind of the sender.
August 24, 2009 7:53 AM
Editor, Blogonaut Law-Blog said...
Here is the latest email from Kelley Lynch to this blog. It is copied to over 100 law enforcers, politicians, high-profile attorneys, and journalists:“To the IRS Commissioner's Staff,“Well, that's it then. Lost Angeles Suprioerity (sic) Complex Court barred you from any lawsuit that arises from my former "business relationship" with Cohen - unless, of course, his fraud, obstruction of justice, witness tampering suit, has now become "fact" that a jury must be instructed about. I think the SWAT incident can be construed as "attempted murder" of a witness. “Kelley“Yes, darling powerful Pat - whatever you want, Baby ... all night long. We had some good times together, didn't we Baby? Remember when we were dry humping and I didn't have anything on under my robes .. Uh Oh - there I go thinking of you again:“Every time I think of Powerful Pat I Puke. Boooo-Hoooo! If you only knew how much I hated you ... You don't know how sick you make me - you make me "f'ing" (sic) sick to my stomach ... every time I think of you I PUKE. You may not think "ya" do but you do.” “The DA "Witnessed Tampered" with Ogden, DeSouza, Kelley Lynch, etc. Maybe Powerful Pat should get down off his high horse and give that some "REAL" thought. Also - attempted murder of a "probable witness." It's REAL FUNNY. Powerful Pat should pour through his law books. Who appointed this maniac? I'm trying to figure out why Homeland Security thought "the governor's office" could be behind what happened to me? Who appointed this freak to the bench?”[Statutory references from the Unites States Code, and photographs of Phil Spector trial judge and Los Angeles County prosecutor Pat Dixon omitted; 24 point, bold red font omitted.] If anyone had a doubt that Kelley Lynch is a very disturbed person, this should clarify matters.
August 24, 2009 11:26 AM
sanneka said...
Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy did you open up a can of worms, but I am all with you. Keeping silent and ignoring Kelley Lynch is not working, so let us follow this "lady" to (through) the door in style.Susanne (Sanneka)
August 24, 2009 12:19 PM
Sydney said...
This is getting to the point of being scary. Is there no one or nothing that can get through to her? She keeps stepping up the threats, and slandering anyone she can think of. She is at the point of being dangerous to anyone who crosses her path, and at this point that includes everyone posting on any thread or blog that concerns her or Leonard Cohen. As she seems to know who/where you are, Blogonaut, please be careful - she is only one step or so away from violence. Thank you for keeping us up-to-date.
August 24, 2009 2:59 PM
On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 8:05 PM, Kelley Lynch <odzerchenma3@gmail.com> wrote:
Mr. Weinberg and Mr. Riordan,
Perhaps the Houston Police Department will not drag themselves into this situation. I have copied them in here to advise them that I am being stalked and my actions are being monitored - by Blogonaut and others with "motive" who are all over Phil Spector's set up and Cohen's tax fraud that I was told is criminal. Maybe they would like to read Bill Pavelic's allegations that he, Dr. Henry Lee, and Dr. Michael Baden were set up by LAPD's "Robbery Homicide" Unit (who were just here in Houston on the Jackson matter) in retaliatino for the OJ trial. Perhaps they think that's funny. Everything else is funny - except to ordinary people who think the District Attorney of Los Angeles set up Phil Spector and attempted to aid and abet Leonard Norman Cohen in covering up his criminal tax fraud. Of course, he is their witness so they wouldn't want anyone to undermine his credibility. I am not in Katy, Texas, as Blogonaut (who should be arrested for obstruction of justice, witness tampering, witness retaliation, and many other crimes but he doesn't see through this ... others do) has posted. But I was and they are monitoring me. I am in Houston and intend to go into the Houston PD and file a complaint, as Social Security advised me, that Cohen has criminally used my social security number on tax documents making me an illegal partner and LAPD has criminally assigned me a false social security number when the King Drew report was falsified and in their own report. I'll print out my complaints to the FTC. When I get back tonight I will ask Lisa to call the Houston FBI with me.

Do you think the IRS and DOJ should do something now or do you think the Phil Spector set up is just way too politicial - particularly as law enforcement is all over it. I think Pat Dixon is a joke and it does indeed look like Larry Fidler's in love with him. Just look at the photograph. Other people agree. What's distrubed about that? It's disturbed to set up an innocent man and Bill Pavelic's allegations speak for themselves.


My comments on Blogonaut's latest "comment" section are in red (below). Clearly it's a ruse site meant to undermine me as a witness, informant, or victim who reported Cohen's criminal tax fraud (as I was TOLD) to the IRS, supplied them with a ton of evidence, met with Intelligent agents from the Treasury, followed Agent Kelly Sopko's advice and took the tax fraud allegations to Agent Luis Tejeda/IRS Fraud Unit in Los Angeles, and a game. Blogonaut's playing a great big game - with some of the biggest criminal defense attorneys (both of you) in the country, Bruce Cutler, the IRS, Department of Justice, Agent Kelly Sopko/Treasury, Agent Wynar/FBI and no one but ordinary people see through him, right? Wrong. They think they are obstructing justice, witness tampering, etc. That's how sick this is. I think the DOJ should do something to assist me immediately. They are monitoring my actions and have already encouraged people to target me, have slandered me, etc. They sure as hell protect people like Sammy Gravano - and John Gotti's matter was clearly political. Read Bruce Cutler's book. It is sitting in front of me and the Houston Library wants to recommend it to their readers. That's how political that matter ended up - the government looks like it cheated; an excellent attorney was arrested; Mr. Gotti is a hero; and Gravano is in prison. Where's Diane Giacolone? No one knows. No one cares. She did not become famous so there's a cautionary tale in this story.


P.S. I'll keep the huge criminal attorney I am presently contacting (and keeping closely apprised) closely advised of what is going on now. I am not threatened by Pat Dixon, Alan Jackson, or any of the thug criminals who I believe set up Phil Spector. Maybe the FBI is.


Post a Comment On: Blogonaut
9 Comments - Show Original PostCollapse comments

Anonymous said...
Did we leave anything out?Hasn't she threatened to use black magic yet... Ooops, of course not. That would make her look crazy, and possibly hinder her attempts to litigate successfully!Thanks for continuing to cover this non-story. Life has been so boring with all my favorite shows into reruns now. Perhaps you would do us KL 'anti-fans' a favor and create a special blog, named something like kelleylynch-verbiage-cesspool.blogspot.com, and post all of her correspondences there. Amazingly she has stopped cutting and pasting all of her emails onto her blog. Guess she finally, after three or four terminated blogs, figured out that Google would remove her account yet again if she did that.I predict that she'll never litigate in any case. Not just because there is an outstanding judgement, not just because no sane lawyer would take her. ( I think there must be some lawyer somewhere that is just as starved for attention and notoreity as Kelley Lynch is, who might to represent her pro bono.) The reason she won't litigate is because she'd have to appear in public, where all the world can see what a wreck she is. She won't be able to hide behind a computer screen then.
August 21, 2009 6:13 PM
Sydney said...
I've got to hand it to you - you sure have guts to have opened yourself up to more of Kelley's ranting, raving, and general insanity. When/if she ever does get you into court (lol) I volunteer to be a character witness, for you that is. I agree with you that she is somewhat entertaining, but if she could just be a little bit more creative and not keep repeating the same tired messages she posts all the time. I've come to the point where I almost think that taxfraudthatIwastoldwascriminal really is one word. Keep the up-dates coming. Life can get so boring sometimes.
August 21, 2009 9:09 PM
Anonymous said...
I don't agree with this blog most of the time, but on the Kelley Lynch issue, you have my deepest sympathy.
August 22, 2009 5:17 PM
Blogonaut said...
To provide but a taste of the onslaught of emails we have received from the subject of our post in the last 24 hours, here is just the first paragraph of the last such email:""Belark" is probably trying to undermine lisa's credibility because she thinks Clarkson looks like an old Madam that can no longer work at a strip bar. "Powerful Pat" and his crew of "goons" think everyone's impressed with them. This is so crazy. Everyone thinks they are criminals who set up Phil Spector. If Phillip weren't in prison right now it would be funny. It's the Emporer's New Clothes syndrome. How "powerful" is Pat? Let's see - if I find out that Bruce Cutler actually talked to "Powerful Pat" about me and "harassment" :) then I have to subpoena "powerful Pat" to the stand. He's probably working on his answers in the mirror right now. Bill Pavelic wrote me that Pat's powerful at the District Attorney's office. It's a bunch of goons on the municipal levels. My Mother didn't really think the "feds" would be all that impressed but I did tell Agent Wynar/FBI Oakland what my colleague thought about Marco The Nose's (just copying the DOJ) comment to the Denver FBI stating "Merry Christmas" (just thinking about Ken Starr - I wonder why Blogonut's article didn't mention that I want to wait for Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, Former Attorney General John Ashcroft, and Former Special Prosecutor Ken Starr who needs to rethink his position on "Miranda" which I thought was a traffic stop issue) - that it sounded like something the Sopranos would say after they riddled a car with bullets. In other words - "organized crime.""
August 23, 2009 10:26 AM
Anonymous said...
<--here is just the first paragraph of the last such email-->This seems to be, if not quite the 'word salad' of full-blown daffyness, at best a 'thought salad' of magically connected persons and ideas. Looks like we have a short-order chef here!
August 23, 2009 5:57 PM
Anonymous said...
The only “connection” between the persons and “ideas” referenced in the quoted email is entirely in the mind of the sender.
August 24, 2009 7:53 AM
Editor, Blogonaut Law-Blog said...
Here is the latest email from Kelley Lynch to this blog. It is copied to over 100 law enforcers, politicians, high-profile attorneys, and journalists:“To the IRS Commissioner's Staff,“Well, that's it then. Lost Angeles Suprioerity (sic) Complex Court barred you from any lawsuit that arises from my former "business relationship" with Cohen - unless, of course, his fraud, obstruction of justice, witness tampering suit, has now become "fact" that a jury must be instructed about. I think the SWAT incident can be construed as "attempted murder" of a witness. “Kelley“Yes, darling powerful Pat - whatever you want, Baby ... all night long. We had some good times together, didn't we Baby? Remember when we were dry humping and I didn't have anything on under my robes .. Uh Oh - there I go thinking of you again:“Every time I think of Powerful Pat I Puke. Boooo-Hoooo! If you only knew how much I hated you ... You don't know how sick you make me - you make me "f'ing" (sic) sick to my stomach ... every time I think of you I PUKE. You may not think "ya" do but you do.” “The DA "Witnessed Tampered" with Ogden, DeSouza, Kelley Lynch, etc. Maybe Powerful Pat should get down off his high horse and give that some "REAL" thought. Also - attempted murder of a "probable witness." It's REAL FUNNY. Powerful Pat should pour through his law books. Who appointed this maniac? I'm trying to figure out why Homeland Security thought "the governor's office" could be behind what happened to me? Who appointed this freak to the bench?”[Statutory references from the Unites States Code, and photographs of Phil Spector trial judge and Los Angeles County prosecutor Pat Dixon omitted; 24 point, bold red font omitted.] If anyone had a doubt that Kelley Lynch is a very disturbed person, this should clarify matters.
August 24, 2009 11:26 AM
sanneka said...
Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy did you open up a can of worms, but I am all with you. Keeping silent and ignoring Kelley Lynch is not working, so let us follow this "lady" to (through) the door in style.Susanne (Sanneka)
August 24, 2009 12:19 PM
Sydney said...
This is getting to the point of being scary. Is there no one or nothing that can get through to her? She keeps stepping up the threats, and slandering anyone she can think of. She is at the point of being dangerous to anyone who crosses her path, and at this point that includes everyone posting on any thread or blog that concerns her or Leonard Cohen. As she seems to know who/where you are, Blogonaut, please be careful - she is only one step or so away from violence. Thank you for keeping us up-to-date.
August 24, 2009 2:59 PM
On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 7:50 PM, Kelley Lynch <odzerchenma3@gmail.com> wrote:
To the IRS Commissioner's Staff and the Departmento f Justice,

This email of mine was posted, to Blogonaut's site, in order to suck up to Pat Dixon. Anyway, whenever I see that photograph of Dixon and Fidler or Dixon and Jackson - that's what I think (see red LARGE letters below). It looks like they're all in love. In any event, I'm entitled to my personal opinion and Gianelli said Dixon was talking to Bruce Cutler about me - about harassing phone calls which is and will always remain BULLSHIT.

My whereabouts have been traced to Katy, Texas. I was in Katy, Texas which is where Bill Brown lives and this is incredibly sinister and I intend to call the Houston FBI now. I'll have Lisa Terry talk to Houston FBI so that she can explain that she doesn't hneed protection. We do now. I am also calling Agent Wynar, going into the Houston Police Department to file a complaint about stalking, and calling the attorney I am presently consulting. I guess "Pat Dixon's" unhappy now.

That's right. Dixon and I never socialized and never will. I don't hang around with people I view as criminals, organized crime, and men that should be arrested rather being made judges. I personally think the Department of Justice should do something about this NOW since my whereabouts are being disclosed publicly and I am being monitored/followed. For the record - I'm extremely "disturbed" about Pat Dixon. After all, I think he and his gang of organized criminals dragged me to Killer King in order to keep Cohen a credible witness and to prevent me from testifying against Cohen - for the IRS. So do others. Isn't it funny that people think Blogonaut-Gianelli-Belark should be arrested and imprisoned, are witness tampering, obstructing justice, etc. The DOJ should do something to protect me now. I am a Mother, have children, and these people are stalking and following me. I want Lisa Terry with me when I call the FBI in Houston and want them to have Bill Brown's phone number also. I think the political Phil Spector matter should be set aside for a moment and the IRS and DOJ should give some thought to my safety. These people are fucking assholes.

By the way, Pat Dixon and Fidler look like they're in love. Check out the photographs. That is my personal opinion.

Kelley Lynch

Kelley Lynch booking photo (Boulder PD)If you are unacquainted with former Leonard Cohen business manager Kelley Lynch, please see our complete series The Kelley Lynch Legal Saga.In the interest of protecting the public from Lynch—including “Lisa Terry” (with whom Lynch has claimed in several emails to be currently "traveling with"; they have been traced to-- Katy Texas)—we are reprinting a highly disturbed email received by this blog late yesterday.Please note that this email was copied by Lynch to the IRS, the Justice Department, and over 100 additional law enforcers, high-profile attorneys, politicians, and journalists:
“To the IRS Commissioner's Staff,“Well, that's it then. Lost Angeles Suprioerity (sic) Complex Court barred you from any lawsuit that arises from my former "business relationship" with Cohen - unless, of course, his fraud, obstruction of justice, witness tampering suit, has now become "fact" that a jury must be instructed about. I think the SWAT incident can be construed as "attempted murder" of a witness.“Kelley“Yes, darling powerful Pat [Dixon]-whatever you want, Baby ... all night long. We had some good times together, didn't we Baby? Remember when we were dry humping and I didn't have anything on under my robes .. Uh Oh - there I go thinking of you again:“Every time I think of Powerful Pat [Dixon] I Puke. Boooo-Hoooo! If you only knew how much I hated you ... You don't know how sick you make me - you make me "f'ing" sick to my stomach ... every time I think of you I PUKE. You may not think "ya" do but you do.
[Federal statutory references to the witness tampering statute, bold, 36 point red font, and photographs of Los Angeles County Los Angeles County prosecutor Pat Dixon omitted.]DISCLAIMER: We reprint this disturbed email to protect the public only and as news only. Obviously, Lynch’s express and implied references to others are total fantasy on her part. No prosecutors, including Pat Dixon, have ever socialized with Lynch--particularly in the disturbed manner related by Lynch.

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 7:02 PM, Kelley Lynch <odzerchenma3@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Bill,

A friend of mine was literally horrified to hear your allegations and asked me, repeatedly, to send her the link to your gulityofincompetence.com site. She cannot believe that Cohen is being feted by the media while I am in a homeless shelter. She was speechless to hear that I am being called a whore, drug addict, drunk, mentally ill, etc. She's a very intelligent woman and extremely savvy about the newsmedia - and has dealt, eprsonally, with lies in Vanity Fair about her family. She understands, and recalls, that I was Cohen's personal manager and she understands that he compensated me with publishing that he has now stolen back. I think she also understands that Phillip was set up and her examples of what has happened with Sting and the newsmedia and Pete Townsend in the newsmedia were dead on. This was in response to my talking to her, again, about the fact that the gun stories and Phillip have become embellished in the newsmedia and by the newsmedia and that Phillip has been villified by the newsmedia. My friend is a student of Trungpa Rinpoche's and knows for a fact that I'm not practicing black magic. I wonder what else I'll be accused of, Bill? Well, she thinks Cohen has gone to unreal lengths to silence me and does indeed think Blogonaut basically offered to help Cohen offer me a bribe. All I have to do, Bill, is lie and say I was drunk, I guess. Of course, I wasn't but my Mother's correct - Boulder PD just checks that because they probably are. They're also liars, Bill. And, Bill, they will lie on the witness stand. It's pathetic but if LAPD's grotesque Robbery-Homicide Unit can set up you, Dr. Henry Lee, and Dr. Michael Baden - what's a little lie when you have physically abused someone and know they are keepihng Phil Spector and others closely apprised? I think the jury didn't believe "Officer Vest" when he said he wouldn't lie to defend himself. You see, Bill, people know for a fact that cops lie, falsify reports, and perjure themselves on the witness stand and I don't think it's that hard to prove it. And, with LAPD and your allegations, it's also scarey. If you think the "government" scared the jurors with the John Gotti/Mafia angle - imagine how you might feel if you thought LAPD could set you up. Knowing that they set people up. The good news, Bill - it scares people and horrifies them. I also happen to believe that people think you and Detective Russell Poole are uncommonly brave people so there is some comfort in that reality.

Anyway, Cohen's story is not working. These tactics aren't working. But, the funny thing is (and Marco - Julia's assistant at the DA's office should really be laughing his ass off right about now) - everyone thinks the DA set up Phil Spector. I did give my friend Paul Huebl's thought - that Alhambra PD screwed up, based on gossip and hearsay, and tasered Phillip multiple times and that's where the set up began ... as a cover up. I know how they do it and I see right through it in their reports. In fact, Alhambra PD's reports read like some deranged military excursion but I still can't figure out what they were doing in the garage. Can you, Bill? Well Bill, Pat Dixon may very well be "powerful" at the District Attorney's office but he's not that powerful to ordinary people who don't know about the little hero machine going on in Los Angeles. They think Phillip has been set up. Isn't that hiliariously funny? I'll bet Powerful Pat's laughing his ass off now - although he shouldn't be.

The good news, Bill. People don't really care if I want to marry or have sex with Bruce Cutler. They think it's funny.

Now, Bill, if only I could figure out why Inglewood PD was at my house. Can you? Nothing comes to my mind except IRS REINER. Not sure why. It must have been coordinated (obviuosly) - just think about Inglewood PD getting in their squard car (I wonder what their actual repots say they were doing that day since they don't roll by Brentwood - they're going to say "perjury" in court and I don't think the old "bulge" line will work this time), driving all the way to Brentwood, and it all being timed with West LAPD's arrival. I can't tell you how many times I saw the maniac from West LAPD who is all over my story. He's this short little asshole - but he's stupid. I noticed this the day Mandeville was on fire. But, Bill, Sergeant Joe ____________/LAPD (who told me LAPD hid evidence in the Biggie Smalls matter - a car and possibly a gun wrapped in a blanket) thought Beverly Hills PD was probably involved. Of course, Bill, he really liked me and my boys and wanted me to go in and make a deal with "Dan Bergman" that would make me happy. What would you do, Bill, if these people targeted your children. And Lindsey, who may have been arrested by the FBI, apparently has two strikes, and definitely took my gun (that I offered to Jay Romaine/LAPD - who you "fired" and who is a coward for not coming forward and acknowledging that he knew what guns Phil had in his house ... Janis told me she threw a bunch of them into a box once ... when we were talking about my little Killer King incident, the custody matter, and the fact, that we both knew the DA was lying and the whole situation connected to Phillip and Cohen), managed to get custody of Ray with a history of domestic violence and abuse (which is illegal in LA Bill- and Child Services forgot to send him to Anger Management when he lied to them the first time) and just happened to attach Robert Kory's Declaration.

Do you think Blogonaut/Gianelli/Belark should be arrested? Everyone else does. Isn't that hilariously funny Bill? They are playing games, right in public, when everyone thinks they should be arrested for lying to the FBI, obstructing justice, witness tampering, wintess retaliation, etc. And then, Bill, there's the "death threat" about me on that Blog. Well, idiots will lie and they don't realize other people see right through them.


fromKelley Lynch <odzerchenma3@gmail.com>

to -
doronweinberg <doronweinberg@aol.com>,
Dennis <Dennis@riordan-horgan.com>,
"*irs. commissioner" <*IRS.Commissioner@irs.gov>,
ASKDOJ <ASKDOJ@usdoj.gov>,
Robert MacMillan <robert.macmillan@gmail.com>,
"Lee K. Alpert" <lkalpert@alpertbarr.com>,
Thaye Dorje <17thgyalwakarmapa@gmail.com>,
"YesheRimpoche@aol.com" <bhakhatulku@yahoo.com>,

dateMon, Aug 24, 2009 at 6:37 PM

hide details 6:37 PM (0 minutes ago) Repl

Great talking to you today. As you heard, the Shelter where I am staying is rather intense - so are the employees (many of whom have been homeless and some of whom have crack habits).

I want to read the article in Vanity Fair you mentioned. It's amazing that (intentionally deleted) would have the never to tell your sister that lies about your family are just "business" - but that's the nature of many people. And yes - journalists lie and do see how Sharmapa is dealing with Mick Brown at:


As I mentioned, I am being maligned, slandered, and defamed on various internet sites by people who seem to have motive, who do not know me, and who I am convinced are obstructing justice and witness tampering. It was no mistake that I was taken to King Drew, questioned about Phil Spector, and the entire file ended up falsified. The lengths the District Attorney has gone to nail a celebrity are not dissimilar to the lengths Cohen has gone to destroy my life. That's an excellent point you made - I'm in a homeless shelter and he's out being feted as a legend. Imagine how serious the grand jury in Phil Spector's matter took him. Here's the link to Bill Pavelic's book and the allegations, that he, Dr. Lee, and Dr. Baden were set up in Phillip's matter in retaliation for OJ. It is inconceivable but I believe it is absolutely true.


I think you hit the nail on the head when you viewed what has happened to Sting and Pete Townsend, with the newsmedia, relating to the insane tantric sex claims and the child porn claims. It is precisely the same thing with Phillip and guns. Read Stephen Holden's article - Cohen's story has been embellished and come a long way and seems to now include a "crossbow" and other various tales. Phil doesn't appear to have held a gun on Cohen as of this article and, beyond that, he was delightful and kind with children. They key to this story, from my perspective, is the fact that Cohen did not go to the IRS with me. I believe he couldn't - he appears to have a lifelong history of tax fraud in the U.S. that includes an abandoned green card, a reissued green card, various social security numbers, etc.

And yes, I administered his publishing (book and music - both of which are assets in the entity I own 15% of) worldwide. That compensation was separate and apart from my commission for being his personal manager - now, he is attempting to make me his business manager. In fact, Phil Spector knows for a fact that after his Cohen's attorney died (and Cohen was apparently going to blame him for his tax fraud at that time and stole his/Bob Johnston's share of publishing from them as well - from what I can tell based on a letter I found transmitting a check in payment for their share to a bank) I am the one that put together Cohen's publishing deals, etc. and helped buy back his shares of "Suzanne" and two other songs he sold. He blamed his first managers and said they stole from him. He has a pattern of this. And now, whenever I attempt to ask him or his lawyer (who should be arrested and imprisoned for his role here - as should Cohen and many others ... including the District Attorney from my perspective) for a proper forensic accounting (including my 15% share of all his intellectual property) or question the illegal tax documents I receievd (as did the IRS) making me an illegal partner on a company I never owned - Cohen has to roll into Court and take out yet another fraudulent restraining order. He is desperate and he has attempted to have me and Phil Spector take the fall for his actions. It's simple to me - Cohen testified against Phil in a grand jury (and Phil should have had a right to face his accuser in a court room which looks like a big legal issue to me) and the deal was: get me out of the way. I was going to the IRS, they were aware of it, I had told the Collection at the IRS that I thought I was dragged into tax fraud and he had told me to go to the Fraud Unit of the IRS ... which I did. Corruption's fairly simple. The stupidity here is inconceivable - although it has landed an innocent man, Phil Spector, in prison. I had no idea that Sting and Bob Geldoff inadvertently started the "tantric sex" rumor as a joke that Geldoff ended up making to the press. And, I do not know the details about Pete Townsend. I know Phil Spector, however, and that is not the man in prison or who was on trial. That is why I say - read how Sharmapa handles Mick Brown. It is an example, to everyone (and it has upset Buddhists), of how you have to handle the newsmedia and gossip. You must refute every single point. You must back them down. And, if necessary, you have to litigate. Particularly if you are high profile and someone can benefit from you at some future point. Cohen did not like the way Phillip handled his vocals and I am here to tell you - this is one calculated lying fraud who steals and blames others. Who knows why the newsmedia likes him. Personally, I am not convinced that they do. They also love to see people "fall." That's why I believe Phillip's trial was a sporting event. You know how people love to watch a good celebrity trial in this country. It's fun.


And, yes, the situation with people lying to the FBI that I am spamming the Treasury Department is psychotic. Their slander of me is meant to undermine my credibility. Every intelligent person is well aware that Phillip has to address Cohen's perjury, what happened to me - including Killer King, and we have to join together and sue the District Attorney. This is dead obvious. I think the DOJ should investigate the Phil Spector set up. It is criminal. The judge appears to have thrown two trials. Good observation about your friend's ex-husband who was disbarred but the judge liked him in the ensuing custody matter. Some judges just want people to suck up to them and they like yes men and, of course, charisma works. I agree - arguments are not won on facts. That's why I believe that there is also judicial misconduct, prosecutorial misconduct, and juror misconduct in Phil Spector's matter. Do you think a sleazy woman who targeted Phillip (say a gold digger) and may have gone through his drawers and upset him when he left the room - might lie and embellish her story for National Enquirer and money? (Intentionally deleted) would do it for business. How about the woman that lied and said she worked for Phil Spector in 1988 and 1989 when I did. You probably recall that because we were hanging out in NYC at that time and Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche and Gesar were living with me.

Here's what Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche's student told me - again: In order to prevent me from testifying honestly for the IRS (a direct quote) they could offer me millions and all I have to say is I flipped out. Of course, with my luck I'd end up in prison and Cohen would walk free, naturally. Your instincts (and everyone's instincts) are correct - when a Blog owner (who is a lawyer all over Cohen's story and Phillip's matter) offers to hook me up with Cohen who will now help me - it's bribery, obstruction of justice, witness tampering, etc. Ray's custody matter is obstruction of justice and witness tampering - Cohen's lawyer's Declaration is filed in that and he didn't know my son but my son witnessed a conversation about the fact that Cohen committed what I was told is criminal tax fraud; stole my intellectual property; seems to have "forgotten" to file state tax returns; and - of course - their threats.

I tend to doubt that the defense that I am a whore, drunk, drug addict, etc., will work because as we know those are lies meant to silence me. They want me to stop talking. They want me to stop publicly noting on the internet that Phil Spector is innocent and I was told that Cohen committed criminal tax fraud and reported that to the IRS. Think about who has motive now and you'll know who the criminals are - from my perspective, that includes the District Attorney of Los Angeles who apparently aided and abetted Cohen in his attempts to cover up his tax fraud.

Here's a link to Bruce Cutler. He quit Phillip's trial and he is a lawyer that doesn't "suck up" to judges. Should he have presented Ogden with flowers? She was lying on the stand, looks coy and drugged, and his client was facing life in prison. It might just piss you off. That, as with your friend in her custody matter and fighting constantly for her child support, is the correct and natural response. When people destroy your life or want to destroy your life, or put you in prison for life, it will piss you off. You don't think about writing thank you notes. Anyway, I'm waiting for Bruce Cutler and that's very threatening to people - so I'm keeping it confidential now. I want a man that is brilliant and knows how to destroy people legally. I also happen to believe that while he quit Phillip's trial he has not turned his back on Phillip. Everyone else has - for the most part. But, life is really simple - when you have a buck you have friends. When you don't, you don't. Thank you for your friendship. Good point - is Cohen actually a Buddhist? No he is not. But yes I am now being accused of black magic. I guess the "dharmapalas" freak people out. Whatever - how about Guardian Angels? I'm now saying I believe in Leprachauns. Oh yes, Cohen accused me of having sex with Oliver Stone. That's apparently another defense he has in mind (for his criminal tax fraud - as I was told). And, future judges may not like the fact that I may want to marry and/or have sex with Bruce Cutler. I've decided that the best way to deal with these creepy lawyers is to keep them focused on your sex life. Of course, the idiot who called the FBI and lied to him (probably a serious crime but let's see if the FBI Agent can figure out why I'm writing to the IRS and Agent Sopko/Treasury Department - I want to see how on the ball this guy is) actually called Bruce Cutler and told him I want to have sex and marry him. A future judge, according to the idiot lawyer who does not have any qualms about committing crimes, slandering me, threatening my son, etc., might not like my taste in men. Why? …

And yes - this is a direct quote of Trungpa Rinpoche's - lawyers have DESTROYED America.



On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 3:40 PM, Kelley Lynch <odzerchenma3@gmail.com> wrote:

Anti-SLAPP (strategic lawsuit against public participation) laws can be applied in an attempt to curb alleged abuses of the legal system by individuals or corporations who utilize the courts as a weapon to retaliate against whistle blowers, victims, or to silence another's speech. RICO could be alleged if it can be shown that lawyers and/or their clients conspired and collaborated to concoct fictitious legal complaints solely in retribution and retaliation for themselves having been brought before the courts.
Tolling Principles
On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 3:22 PM, Kelley Lynch <odzerchenma3@gmail.com> wrote:
To the IRS Commissioner's Staff and the Department of Justice,

I do believe that I will ultimately speak to Bruce Cutler about the fact that I have been accused of criminally impersonating him. In the meantime, Blogonaut's little game continues. If you check out the comment section on Blogonaut's lie called a Blog you will see that Maurice Smith's email has been "monitored." I'm removing Belark-Gianelli-Blogonut from my emails now that I have advised them of all the slander, etc., and captured the psychotic "update" - "darn it."

What I would like to know is how can Belark-Gianelli-Blogonaut state that what the IRS is doing. Do they have some authority over the IRS to make that type of statement?

In any event, this is one big "fun" game for these maniacs who I continue to believe should be investigated for obstruction of justice, witness tampering, etc.

I'm going to write Phillip to explain that I'm in "trouble" now because some lame lawyer called Bruce Cutler to say I wanted to marry him and/or have sex with him. I also want him to know that I have been accused of criminally impersonating Mr. Cutler.

Lisa wants to know this - if I believed in Leprechauns - what does it have to do with criminal tax fraud. She wants to know what these people "gain" from this. She informed Lindsey, via email, that she believes he is in a conspiracy to keep me from seeing my child and it's about money.

All the best,

P.S. This is Gianelli-Blogonaut-Belark's legal defense. Let's see I'm harassing lawyers:

The District Asshole - Killer King, falsified file, custody matter, Phil Spector, etc.
Kory - forensic accounting, K1s, my stolen intellectual property, his Declaration in Ray's custody matter, etc.
Bergman - the custody matter/kidnapping
Gianelli/Blogonaut/Belark - slander, defamation, obstruction of justice, witness tampering, intimidation of Rutger, etc.

Real funny issues.

P.P.S. Starting a new "invitation only Blog" - I'll email the IRS and DOJ the information and will post what I like there.


Anonymous said...
I don't agree with this blog most of the time, but on the Kelley Lynch issue, you have my deepest sympathy.
August 22, 2009 5:17 PM
Blogonaut said...
To provide but a taste of the onslaught of emails we have received from the subject of our post in the last 24 hours, here is just the first paragraph of the last such email:""Belark" is probably trying to undermine lisa's credibility because she thinks Clarkson looks like an old Madam that can no longer work at a strip bar. "Powerful Pat" and his crew of "goons" think everyone's impressed with them. This is so crazy. Everyone thinks they are criminals who set up Phil Spector. If Phillip weren't in prison right now it would be funny. It's the Emporer's New Clothes syndrome. How "powerful" is Pat? Let's see - if I find out that Bruce Cutler actually talked to "Powerful Pat" about me and "harassment" :) then I have to subpoena "powerful Pat" to the stand. He's probably working on his answers in the mirror right now. Bill Pavelic wrote me that Pat's powerful at the District Attorney's office. It's a bunch of goons on the municipal levels. My Mother didn't really think the "feds" would be all that impressed but I did tell Agent Wynar/FBI Oakland what my colleague thought about Marco The Nose's (just copying the DOJ) comment to the Denver FBI stating "Merry Christmas" (just thinking about Ken Starr - I wonder why Blogonut's article didn't mention that I want to wait for Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, Former Attorney General John Ashcroft, and Former Special Prosecutor Ken Starr who needs to rethink his position on "Miranda" which I thought was a traffic stop issue) - that it sounded like something the Sopranos would say after they riddled a car with bullets. In other words - "organized crime.""
August 23, 2009 10:26 AM
On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 4:31 PM, Kelley Lynch <odzerchenma3@gmail.com> wrote:
Note: The reference to an "eye witness" is key and fascinating.

--- On Fri, 8/21/09, Joff Belark <joffbelark@gmail.com> wrote:
From: Joff Belark <joffbelark@gmail.com>Subject: Re: Why did Bruce Cutler send his investigator, Dale Kelly, to meet me in Santa Monica?To: "Kelley Lynch" <twiggy.ahmadinejad@yahoo.com>Date: Friday, August 21, 2009, 4:05 PM
You don't get to post on Blogonaut--directly or indirectly.

Nor have your "comments" addressed a single alleged factual error in the orignal post.

That is all.
On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 8:57 AM, Kelley Lynch <twiggy.ahmadinejad@yahoo.com> wrote:
See my response to comments on Blogonaut's Blog. You don't need a reliable telephone number - you have what you consider, apparently, reliable email addresses. My responses should be viewed as my further updates to your article - as posted on Blogonaut's Blog last night and captured by me.

Kelley Lynch

--- On Fri, 8/21/09, Joff Belark <joffbelark@gmail.com> wrote:
From: Joff Belark <joffbelark@gmail.com>Subject: Re: Why did Bruce Cutler send his investigator, Dale Kelly, to meet me in Santa Monica?To: "Kelley Lynch" <twiggy.ahmadinejad@yahoo.com>Date: Friday, August 21, 2009, 8:01 PM
Here are some questions:

1. In order to propound a subpoena, the subpoena must be issued by a court, on behalf of party to a pending action. Do you plan on filing a suit, and if so, in what court and against whom?

2. After 20 emails in 24 hours frrom your gmail account, you have now emailing from your twiggy.ahmadinejad@yahoo.com account.

Why? has your (third in a row) Gmail account been suspended by Google for terms of use violations?
As to that suspension, what is your comment?

3. I notice that this email, threatning to obtain audio recordings of Agent Sopko's telephone conversations and then publish them on You-tube, was NOT copied to Agent Sopko. Care to comment on why? has she asked you to cease sending her emails, or do assume she would not be pleased by your threat?
On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 12:33 PM, Kelley Lynch <twiggy.ahmadinejad@yahoo.com> wrote:

Here's a quote: I don't want to post on Blogonaut - directly or indirectly. It's a garbage site and everything about me, on that site, including your article is a lie. The three of you - Blogonaut, Gianelli, and you - have got to be the most arrogant idiots on earth.
--- On Fri, 8/21/09, Joff Belark <joffbelark@gmail.com> wrote:
From: Joff Belark <joffbelark@gmail.com>Subject: Re:To: "Kelley Lynch" <twiggy.ahmadinejad@yahoo.com>Date: Friday, August 21, 2009, 3:30 PM
1. If you refuse to provide me with a telephone number, I cannot guarantee I will reach you for comment on the day any article is published. I will not submit the draft article to you in advance for your approval.

2. Regarding the original Blogonaut post, your lengthy email does not address a single alleged inaccuracy in the post itself. Rather, you address alleged inaccuracies in Cohen’s Los Angeles County Superior Court lawsuit that was concluded in his favor.

What you do not seem to understand is that because you never moved to set aside the judgment or appealed it, the May 12, 2006, California judgment is stands as a final and binding judicial determination of the core allegations on which the judgment is based. Those facts are now conclusively deemed to be true under the law and there is no correcting them now—let alone through an unsuccessful motion to set aside a completely unrelated September, 2008 harassment order entered by a different judge in a different state.

Therefore, in any subsequent legal preceding to which you are a party, the jury will be instructed that any facts determined by the May 12, 2006 judgment must be taken by the jury as true.

3. I have never talked to Steven Clark Lindsey or Betsy Superfon, nor do I even know who the latter person is.

4. I did not contact your son—he contacted me. I replied, and he stated that your activities have been a great source of sadness for him, but that he has no control over you. He thanked us for our “compassion”. That was months ago—ancient history.

5. It is not correct that you “won” the criminal jury trial in which you represented yourself that arose from your arrest for trespassing at Juanita’s restaurant. He Jury convicted you of trespassing. You contested that charge and submitted to the jury and the jury convicted you. You did not concede the trespass charge, nor would a conviction enhance a malicious prosecution case—it would defeat it. (A necessary element of the common law tort of malicious prosecution is that the prior criminal action must have terminated in your favor; a conviction on any count defeats that element.)

6. I did not speak with the “IRS, FBI, Agent Sopko, or Justice”. But Sopko and the FBI/Department of Justice assured Gianelli that we need not fear prosecution based on any of your emails to any of those agencies. Clearly, you are not credible to any professional person—based on your thousands of emailed rants. There is really nothing else to say on that subject.

7. Whether or not Leonard Cohen is mentioned in court filed pleadings in the now concluded Phillip Spector criminal matter does not speak to the issue of whether you were or are a witness in that proceeding. The fact is that you were never on any witness list, you were never called as a witness, and the case is over in any event. In the case of your assertion to the IRS that Cohen is a tax cheat, that claim was made by you years ago and Cohen has never been prosecuted.

One has to be witnesses in a pending legal proceeding to claim witness tampering or intimidation. Simply put, there is no proceeding that I know of wherein you are a witness—let alone a percipient witness, not to mention that no one has tried to dissuade you from so testifying.

8. The balance of your email raises issues you have with persons unrelated to the undersigned, and as to those issues I have no comment.
On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 5:16 AM, Kelley Lynch <twiggy.ahmadinejad@yahoo.com> wrote:
Joff Belark, Gianelli, and Blogonut,

Your voice message of last Sunday + 2 hang -ups
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 9:27 PM
This sender is DomainKeys verified
"STEPHEN GIANELLI" <stephengianelli@gmail.com>View contact details
twiggy.ahmadinejad@yahoo.com, "Kelley Lynch" <odzerchenma3@gmail.com>
P.O. Box 475013
San Francisco, CA 94147
(415) 929-5130

July 29, 2009


Dear Ms. Lynch:

As I have repeatedly advised you, this office has nothing to say to you directly. If you wish to say anything to us, retain an attorney and we will communicate through him or her.

Yes, we know what pro per or pro se representation means.

But we regard you as mentally ill, which is why we have no intention of communicating with you except through counsel.

Regarding your son Rutger Penick, he told us in writing that your behavior has been a great source of sorrow for him, that you do not follow his advice, and he specifically thanked us for our compassion in corresponding with him. He perceived no threat.

Regarding your continued threats to contact various law enforcement agencies and have my client investigated, I have actually talked with each and every federal agent you have referenced. (Not left messages for--actually talked with). They have no intention of ever talking to you, regard you as mentally ill and having zero credibility.

My role here?

I represent a blog that never even knew you existed until you hijacked the comments section appended to various Phil Spector related posts, the blog had to delete your posts, you persisted, then you got on the bog’s radar, then the blog published a fair, balanced and accurate expose of your legal issues with Leonard Cohen.

You then made a nuisance of yourself by harassing my client and this office—both directly through unwanted (i.e. spam) voice messages and emails, and by attempted blog comments—as well as indirectly by posting nonsense on four successive blogs that were removed by Google for terms of use violations.
My client has never libeled you.

I have no way of knowing whether you have emailed my client or this office in the last two months because all of your emails to this office and to my client are automatically deleted.

Furthermore, I have been practicing criminal law for over 30 years in Northern California. I am well acquainted with Doron Weinberg and regularly speak with him--unlike your notion of "conversations" with people, where you just spam them with unreturned emails or leave unreturned voice messages for them. I also have several friends in common with Doron Weinberg.

I have never met Dennis Reardon, but he shares an office with Doron Weinberg, and we have friends in common.

When I call Bruce Cutler (I have his cell phone number) he either answers or calls me right back. (Bruce regards you only as a stalker.)

When I call the FBI, they talk to me. (You are not regarded as credible on any level.)

When I emailed Agent Sopko, she recently telephoned me and we had an extended telephone conversation. (You are not regarded as credible on any level.)

Look, Ms. Lynch, if you have a legal issue to raise with us, retain a lawyer, or mail us a letter to:

Law Office of Stephen R Gianelli
PO BOX 475013

Please confine yourself to precise and cognizable legal issues you have regarding a client of this office. We are not interested in hearing about your conspiracy theories, your life story, the Boulder PD, the LAPD, your ex-husband, Leonard Cohen’s alleged tax fraud, blog commenters you disagree with, or what random people in your life think about this person or that issue.

In the future, all voice messages will be deleted without listening to them (as we were initially doing, but you caught us by surprise. (Not the mention the hang up calls twice when I answered the office phone.)

We again urge to you to seek mental health and/or drug and alcohol rehabilitation treatment.

Very truly yours,

Stephen R Gianelli
Stephen R Gianelli

--- On Wed, 6/24/09, STEPHEN GIANELLI <stephengianelli@gmail.com> wrote:
From: STEPHEN GIANELLI <stephengianelli@gmail.com>Subject: Here is the State Bar complaint formTo: odzerchenma2@gmail.com, twiggy.ahmadinejad@yahoo.comDate: Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 10:43 PM
No 'games'. No need to write to twenty other people about your intention to make a State Bar complaint.

Here is the form + instructions.

The form is interactive.

File the complaint or don't.

In fact, the sooner you file it, the sooner you will receive more confirmation that you are full of nonsense.

I won't, because your "complaint" is so specious and outside the ambit of the State Bar Act and the Rules of Professional Conduct that the State Bar of California will not even bother me with it.

Once again your bluff has been called (as with Bruce Cutler and Agent Sopko—both of whom I have talked to, both of whom think you are not a credible person).

Please fill out and file the complaint with the State Bar or please, keep quiet.

Blogonaut 8/18/2009, 2:31 pm ESTYou have it reversed: It you who continue to email us–dispite our multiple requests that you not do so.Our last request dated August 14 stated:“PLEASE cease communicating with this blog. YOUR EMAILS AND VOICE MESSAGES ARE UNWANTED SPAM–which, by definition is any unwanted email, voice mail, or facsimile communication.In any event, you frequently demand that others cease communicating with you (including Ms. Walsh today) so PLEASE cease communicating with us or our attorney.If you want to file a California State Bar complaint, file one. If you are going to file a lawsuit file it.Until then, DO NOT CONTACT US OR OUR ATTORNEY AGAIN.”Yet you persist in the falsehood that it Blogonaut that is harassing YOU. http://www.rollingstone.com/rockdaily/index.php/2009/07/22/leonard-cohen-announces-second-leg-of-first-us-tour-in-15-years/

On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 4:39 PM, Joff Belark <joffbelark@gmail.com> wrote:
PS: I don’t know what your friend Lisa told you, but there are no direct descendants of Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (the poet), married Amelia Lee Jackson. They had three children as follows:

1. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (the Supreme Court Justice)...he married Fannie Bowditch Dixwell and they had no children.

2. Amelia Jackson Holmes....she married John Turner Sargent and they too were childless.

3. Edward Jackson Holmes, Sr....he married Henrietta Goddard Wigglesworth and they had only one child, Edward Jackson Holmes, Jr. or "Ned" as he was known.

Edward Jackson Holmes, Jr., the only grandchild of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., married Mary Stacy Beaman, who was my great grandmother's sister. They unfortunately had no children and thus, Ned Jr. was the end of the Holmes line.

This information is documented in a book commissioned by the Shumway side of my family called "Commitment to Community," which was researched and written by Audrey Lightkep Miller & Carol Miller Reed and published by Rochester Institute of Technology in 1994. I quote from it here:

"Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes had only one grandchild, Edward Jackson Holmes, Jr. Ned, as he was known to the family, and his wife, Mary, had no children. In what some see as a premonition of the end of the Holmes line, Dr. Holmes wrote a poem called "The Last Leaf." Its final verse reads:

And if I should live to be
The last leaf upon the tree
In the Spring,
Let them smile, as I do now,
At the old forsaken bough
Where I cling"

Once again, nice try.

fromSTEPHEN GIANELLI <stephengianelli@gmail.com>toKelley Lynch <odzerchenma3@gmail.com>
dateTue, Aug 18, 2009 at 8:54 PMsubjectYour 4 emails of 8/14/09 + your email of todaymailed-bygmail.com
hide details Aug 18 (4 days ago) Reply
Dear Ms. Lynch: We have asked you on many occasions to stop spamming this office with unwanted email and voice mail communications. Yet, you persist, including four emails to this address on 8/14/2009 and one today--according to others that you have cc'd with your spam messages. Just one of your email messages on August 14, 2009 alone was sent to the following spam list:

On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 3:53 PM, Kelley Lynch <odzerchenma3@gmail.com> wrote:

Are you attempting to prove that you are a criminal yet idiotic baffoon? Bruce Cutler should speak for himself. Bruce Cutler decided not to represent me, in part, because I want to marry him and/or have sex with him - which I said jokingly? Maybe Phil Spector should just ask him. He did represent Phillip, didn't he? Bruce Cutler doesn't know me? That why was I meeting with his investigator, Dale Kelly - an utterly professional man and former Special Agent for the FBI, about Brian Bennett's report that shocked me as Mr. Kelly clearly "witnessed."

You're not going to rely on Cohen's "obstruction of justice/witness tampering" lawsuit in good faith as a defense. I have corrected your lies and slanderous numerous times. Are you interested in my whereabouts? Am I in New Mexico? Will everything become clear at 3 PM?

For the record, I have never spoken with Doron Weinberg or Dennis Riordan. They represent Phil Spector.

Kelley Lynch

Stephen Gianelli has spoken to Agent Sopko and knows Doron Weinberg; he has also talked to Justice about your claims of witness tampering etc. and ha been assured by Justice and Agent Sopko that neither Blogonaut nor its counsel have anything to fear from Justice or the IRS/Treasury as a result of your complaints/emails (far from it). Gianelli has also talked at length with Bruce Cutler and has confirmed that you have never talked to Spector's current trial appellate counsel.
On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 3:45 PM, Kelley Lynch <odzerchenma3@gmail.com> wrote:

Here's my public email. Do you see hundreds of law enforcers copied in here or do you know for a fact that Belark-Gianelli-Blogonaut are liars? I think His Holiness Thinley Norbu, Karmapa, Sharmapa, and Bhakha Tulku Rinpoche - and other true "friends" of mine - are in a better position to testify in Court as character witnesses for me - and not Sydney on Blogonaut's site. Also, the Christian women I am surrounded by day in and day out who know for a fact that I am not a whore, drug addict, or drunk.

Was Belark attempting to target Lisa Terry when he wrote me about Oliver Wendell Holmes. Agent Wynar/FBI, if he listens to his messages, must have heard Lisa's reaction to this. I know Bill Brown saw it and her Stepmother, Julie (who sees through this situation) and her Father who is a brilliant nuclear physicist understand her reaction. They also understand that "Belark" wrote me about fleeing prosecution even though no one is attempting to prosecute me. He is attempting to intimidate me, is stalking me around the internet (studying me, actually), slandering me, obstructing justice, and witness tampering and did indeed target my son who thought he was intimidating me. Did he falsely report things to Boulder PD? That needs to be investigated - obviously.

Bruce Cutler needs to be called to the witness stand. I want to discuss, with Bruce Cutler, the allegations that I sent the emails criminally impersonating him. One can assume that he will address that. Bruce Cutler decided not to represent me because I jokingly said I want to marry him and/or have sex with him. I see. What's the point? Bruce Cutler doesn't have a sense of humor. If I were Bruce Cutler I wouldn't have a sense of humor about what's going on here.

And, Bill Brown is just shaking his head in disbelief although he had no problems concluding, at all, that the District Attorney took me to Killer King, had me questioned about Phil Spector, and had the file falsified. Maybe Phil Spector and his legal team aren't paying attention to that.

And now I have to hear that Leonard Norman Cohen apparently planned to defraud me of my share of Blue Mist Touring Company, Inc. Actually - here's what I think: the step transaction was going to be this (had I not become suspicious and concluded that something illegal was going on) - Traditional Holdings and LC Investments, LLC were going to be rolled back into Blue Mist Touring Company, Inc. This would have made it really difficult for the IRS to detect. And that's precisely why the assets were left in Blue Mist Touring Company, Inc. although if I were the IRS I would prosecute Cohen and his advisers for having them in two companies and not transferring them into the company that sold them. Let me repeat what DiMascio & Berardo confirmed: Blue Mist Touring Company, Inc. owns the assets; LC Investments, LLC and Leonard Cohen personally collect the royalties/incomes; and Traditional Holdings, LLC sold something it didn't own. Oh yes, and the people (DiMascio & Beardo) who were concerned I would sue them for malpractice also confirmed this: the "facts" prove that I attempted, all along, to find out if something wrong (illegal) had been done in my name. Those are facts. Cohen's lawsuit is witness tampering and obstruction of justice. It's dead obvious except to the buffoons who think this gmail account has been targeted and suspended and assume that Agent Sopko asked me to stop emailing her.

Well, the FBI and Treasury apparently didn't say I was not a credible witness. Apparently no one is going to be prosecuted because of my emails. Well, I think they may be sued because of my emails and my emails bolster the criminal conduct that is being engaged in and are evidence of what I have gone through and the lengths people have gone to silence and terrorize me. It continues. Now Blogonaut-Gianelli-Belark (who appear to be the same person) may start a Blog about me. I guess I am really threatening and a highly credible witness. As Lisa Terry told Agent Wynar - she would stake her life on me.

Ray's custody matter is being thrown in my face. Ray's entire custody file, minus anything that would embarass my son, should be attached as evidence. My medical records, that I have supplied the IRS and others, should be attached. The IRS is authorized to use my personal medical records. Steven Clark Lindsey had no authorization, whatsoever, to speak to anyone about my medical "issues" or anything else for that matter. Isn't that a crime? How about attempted murder with respect to Killer King? Did the "feds" shut that nightmare down? Did people die there?

--- On Sat, 8/22/09, Kelley Lynch <twiggy.ahmadinejad@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Kelley Lynch <twiggy.ahmadinejad@yahoo.com>Subject: I Didn't Email Blogonaut's Blog Yesterday or TodayTo: "Joff Belark" <joffbelark@gmail.com>, doronweinberg@aol.com, Dennis@riordan-horgan.com, *IRS.Commissioner@irs.gov, ASKDOJ@usdoj.gov, Kelly.Sopko@tigta.treas.gov, rbyucaipa@yahoo.com, robert.macmillan@gmail.com, lkalpert@alpertbarr.com, 17thgyalwakarmapa@gmail.com, bhakhatulku@yahoo.com, billpavelic@aol.com, moseszzz@mztv.com, lwieseltier@tnr.com, ajackson@da.lacounty.gov, tdo@da.lacounty.gov, oigcompl@lapd.lacity.org, pio@lapd.lacity.org, chaleffg@lapd.lacity.org, teresa.low@doj.ca.gov, piu@doj.ca.gov, Governor.ritter@state.co.us, attorney.general@state.co.us, stan.garnett@gmail.com, gordonj@bouldercolorado.gov, "becknerm" <becknerm@bouldercolorado.gov>, lhank@bouldercounty.org, jhall@erieco.gov, "STEPHEN GIANELLI" <stephengianelli@gmail.com>, blogonaut.law.blog@gmail.com, feedback@calbar.ca.gov, wennermedia@gmail.com, housedick@gmail.com, dbergman@bergman-law.comCc: "Maurice Smith" <limbomoe@yahoo.com>, "Kelley Lynch" <odzerchenma3@gmail.com>, Kelly.Sopko@tigta.treas.gov, welcomingflowers@yahoo.comDate: Saturday, August 22, 2009, 8:28 PM
Mr. ...[Message clipped]

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