Monday, November 9, 2009

Kelley's Email To Colleen Chaney/State Of Kentucky Re. Opinion Letter On Cohen's Tax Fraud

fromKelley Lynch
to"Chaney, Colleen (SOS)" ,
doronweinberg ,
Dennis ,
"*irs. commissioner" <*>,
Robert MacMillan ,
"Lee K. Alpert" ,
Thaye Dorje <>,
"" ,
"m.j. smith" ,,,,
"Hoffman, Rand" ,,,
Paul Burger

Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 10:12 AM

State of Kentucky - Traditional Holdings, LLC, LC Investments, LLC

Ms. Chaney,

I would like to know who I contact with respect to the Opinion Letter I would like from the State of Kentucky. I would appreciate you or Gail Hance's response.

There are quite a number of issues I need addressed and they include (but are certainly not limited to):

1) The position Leonard Cohen has taken with respect to Traditional Holdings, LLC. I would like to know if the State of Kentucky thinks that I was a trustee rather than owner/shareholder and, if so, who I should report "fraud" to since I would clearly have been defrauded should this be the case.

2) Why does the State of Kentucky feel Traditional Holdings, LLC was formed in Kentucky? Leonard Cohen's tax lawyer, Richard Westin, resides there but he is not and was not my representative, registered agent, etc.

3) Who is receiving any notices from the State of Kentucky? Richard Westin, who appears to have made some "out of court" settlement with Cohen, refuses to communicate with me and - as the 99.5% owner of Traditional Holdings, LLC - I happen to think he may have engaged in mail fraud.

4) If there was no business purpose what is the State of Kentucky's position with respect to the entity itself. Why was it formed and why did it exist?

5) Cohen has gone to great lengths to prove that he didn't have a retirement account known as a private annuity obligation. What is the State of Kentucky's position with respect to the fact that Cohen extinguished the annuity obligation from the tax return. Richard Westin worked for Cohen and all work he did would have been on behalf of Cohen - clearly.

6) What is the State of Kentucky's position with respect to LC Investments, LLC? K1s were issued for that entity in Kentucky. Neither Dale Burgess, my former accountant, or I thought that was a mistake and Cohen's adviser - Robert Kory - told mine that they intended to roll Traditional Holdings, LLC back into LC Investments, LLC.

7) Are State taxes due? And, if so, what is the amount of the taxes together with penalties and interest. My advisers felt there were approximately $10 million in penalties & interest due with respect to Cohen's fraud on three entities but I don't believe they addressed state and/or local taxes.

I would like an Opinion Letter on these issues and would appreciate being directed to the proper authority.

Thank you.

All the best,
Kelley Lynch

cc: Doron Weinberg, Esquire and Dennis Riordan, Esquire

On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Chaney, Colleen (SOS) wrote:

I will be out of the office November 9 and 10, but will be checking my emails throughout the day. If this message requires immediate attention, please contact Gail Hance at